
Celebrating the Sacrament of Marriage

The Sacrament of Marriage may be celebrated at Church of the Holy Family by parishioners, children of parishioners and non-parishioners.

Preparation for the Sacrament of Marriage begins with an introductory meeting with the Pastor. Wedding dates are not confirmed until after the initial Pastor meeting. Other preparations include a Pre-Marital Inventory and a Pre-Cana class or Engagement Retreat. Couples who wish to be married in the parish should contact the church office at least six months prior to their expected wedding date. Weddings take place on Saturdays at 2:00pm.

Please contact the Office Coordinator at Church of the Holy Family, 706-323-6908.


Marriage is a sacrament in the Roman Catholic Church.  Convalidation is the recognition and validation of the civil marriage of a Catholic by the Roman Catholic Church. It is when a couple, married outside the Church, wishes to bring their union in line with the Church and return to reception of the sacraments.  Convalidation makes valid and potentially sacramental that which a civil union only makes legal. A marriage is only sacramental if both partners are baptized Catholics or become Catholic after the marriage.
Oftentimes, couples get married in a civil marriage outside of the Catholic Church.  The reasons for these unions happening outside of the Church vary widely from couple to couple.  Whatever the reasons, a wedding officiated by the State, or in another faith without the permission of the Church, is not recognized as a  valid marriage by the Roman Catholic Church. The Catholic who is married outside the church removes themselves from reception from the sacraments.
In order for one or both of the spouses to regain full communion with the Church and to validate their marriage, couples must go through a marriage preparation process.  The process involves meeting with a member of the clergy, completing preparation for the sacrament, and planning the ceremony.
The process of convalidation reconciles the couple to God and the Church and affords new graces and life to the couples’ marriage and family.  To begin the convalidation process, please contact the Church Office at 706-323-6908 ext 6 or and schedule a meeting with the Pastor.


For those seeking a declaration of invalidity or dissolution of a marriage, the divorce must be final to begin this process. The first step is contact the Church Office and schedule a meeting with the Pastor. The Pastor will help explain the process and identify what will be needed in the case. Please reach out 706-323-6908 ext 6 or

Prayer for A Married Couple

O God, who in creating the human race
willed that man and wife should be one,
keep, we pray, in bond of inseparable love
those who are united in the covenant of Marriage,
so that, as you make their love fruitful,
they may become, by your grace, witnesses to charity itself.
Through Christ our Lord