
We are happy to support your family during this special time of preparation for the Baptism of your child. Sacraments are visible signs of God’s love and through them and by the actions of the Holy Spirit, Jesus fills us with his grace, heals and strengthens us. Baptism is the beginning of a faith journey and we congratulate you for choosing this beautiful gift for your child. As the child grows and matures, parents are the first and most important teachers of the faith, as you lead your child into a deeper relationship with Christ by your words and your example. As a parish, we are blessed and privileged to help you in this endeavor.

Steps to Baptize your child:

  • Read over “Baptisms at Church of the Holy Family”
  • Complete the “Registration Form for Baptism”
  • Ensure that the Godparents you are choosing for your child are eligible (see below)
  • All parents are required to complete a Baptism Prep Class (see below). If you have attended a Baptism training, please supply proof of attendance.
  • Once all forms are completed (including the Godparent form) you will be added to the schedule.

Baptisms are held at 1:00 PM on the second Sunday of each month.

If you are a parent interested in having your child receive the Sacrament of Baptism, please review the attached information:

If you would like to proceed with scheduling a Baptism, please print, complete, and submit the following form:

All parents baptizing their first child are required to participate in a Baptism Prep Class. We hold Baptism Prep Class four times a year. Click on the information below and RSVP for an upcoming class.

Godparent Eligibility

Have you been asked to be a godparent or Confirmation sponsor? According to the Catholic Church’s Code of Canon Law, godparents and sponsors must:

  • Be a practicing Catholic in good standing with the Church
  • Be at least 16 years of age
  • Have received the sacraments of Baptism, Holy Eucharist, and Confirmation
  • If married, be in a valid sacramental marriage
  • Not be the father or mother of the one being baptized

If you have been asked to be the Godparent of a Holy Family parishioner, please print, complete, and submit the following form:

Letter of Good Standing

If you have been asked to be a Godparent at another church and need a “Letter of Good Standing” please complete the form below.

Baptism Certificate

If you need a copy of your (or your child’s) baptismal certificate, please complete the form below.